"Sorry We Couldn't Confirm it's You" Error Solved
At times it's quite disappointing just after you have successfully entered your PayPal log in password then oops! You get an error " sorry we couldn't confirm it's you " That means however much you try you can't access your account because Account access has been limited by PayPal system. Before I let you know how you can get rid of this error, allow me to tell you the reason as to why you would find such an error on your PayPal account. Since the number of PayPal users have been always increasing and PayPal is always cautious to ensure that as a user you won't loose your money since actually there are many hackers online. That is why they will always tighten the security system to protect the account owner. PayPal has automated security system that is quick to respond on user's Account activities. Whenever they sense unusual activity on your account they will always put a layer of limitation to ensure that your account and money are protected. Like ...